Claro Software
Claro Software develops Assistive Technology, software for people with disabilities such as print and reading difficulties like dyslexia, to help them achieve all they can.
They are experts in speech synthesis, word prediction, spell checking and switch access, and combine them to make innovative, easy-to-use products on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, Google Chromebook, iPad and iPhone, Android, and on the Web.

Global Autocorrect from Lexable is a discreet and intuitive tool designed for students with dyslexia and literacy difficulties. It helps students to focus on what they’re writing by automatically correcting their spelling as they type in any programme. It removes distractions and improves the quality of work by allowing students to focus on content. It also features advanced academic and industry terminology.

Read & Write from Texthelp is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work.

Gordon Morris
Gordon Morris helps individuals and businesses access quality hearing equipment through service and innovation.
The company’s 35 years experience in the field of hearing equipment ensures that we supply, install, maintain and service to the highest standards. We are committed to finding the right solution for each individual, realising that no two hearing losses, nor listening environment, are exactly the same.

Inspiration, a simple but powerful visual thinking tool for creating mind maps, concepts maps, graphic organisers, outlines and presentations with ease. The programme helps to plan and organise written work and is suitable for anyone with difficulties processing information, expressing ideas in writing, structuring essays or organising ideas. Inspiration makes it easy to capture ideas, structure thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding. It also allows students to take notes, organise information, and structure writing for plans, papers and reports. Diagrams can be easily transferred to Word, PowerPoint, PDF or as a graphics file.

Kaz Typing Tutor
Kaz Typing Tutor is a touch-typing programme which aims to reduce the visual disturbances often experienced by people with dyslexia. The course focuses solely on teaching typing so as not to split focus or overload visual memory.
The unique preference screen allows the user to choose background and filter colour, which reduces letter movement and glare, as well as being able to choose font colour, size and type. The programme also features audio description or text-only to suit people who are vision or hearing impaired.

CareScribe builds technology which levels the playing field and helps people access the world. We believe everyone has the right to live the life they wish and that disability and neurodiversity shouldn’t stand in the way. Our products are used by tens of thousands of people daily and include Caption.Ed (note-taking and captioning software) and TalkType (dictation software for Mac).

MatchWare Mind View
MindView is a professional mind mapping software that allows you to visually brainstorm, organise and present ideas. With powerful MS Office integration, comprehensive project management features and collaboration options, MindView has become the industry leader in mind mapping software.

TalkType is dictation software designed and built specifically for Mac. It provides secure, professional-quality dictation and is renowned for its best-in-class accuracy and speed. TalkType comes out of the box with hundreds of voice commands and even allows you to add your own customisable words and phrases.

Present Pal
Present Pal is a presentation support software which acts as a set of interactive flashcards on your smartphone or tablet, integrating fully with apps such as Microsoft PowerPoint. The programme can help improve oral communication skills, remove fears or anxiety and allow people to start to enjoy presenting again!

Scanning Pens
Scanning Pens scan and read text aloud in English, Spanish or French, great for people with reading difficulties and dyslexia. Students can build their vocabulary using the built-in dictionaries and can store scanned text for review later. Teachers and tutors are also able to assign individual learning objectives using the Voice Recorder function.

Glean note taking boosts your ability to learn and build knowledge from class. Glean’s note taking solution records audio notes so you can capture and learn from information more effectively.

Spellex offers a range of assistive technology tools for people with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, including Write-Assist, Dictation, Spell Checker and Dyslex Font. These solutions help students improve their writing, reading comprehension, and focus and work alongside other assistive technologies. Spellex’s innovative type font created for people with dyslexia greatly improves character interpretation.

FindMyFlow offers tailored support for DSA students. It enables students to develop a customised learning path, based on their skills and needs, so whether used alone or in conjunction with one-to-one training, you can be secure in the knowledge you can recap, reinforce and develop your skills at any time along your academic journey.

Focus on your ideas and forget about typos. Lightkey’s AI-Powered spelling correction technology offers real-time suggestions for grammar corrections and misspelled words. In addition to its built-in subject dictionaries, Lightkey will learn from it’s user and offer spelling corrections based on your unique vocabulary.

TextAid is literacy support for struggling readers. Speech-enable any text making it accessible to all.

Pro-Study is an innovative study tool that collects and organises research, text, graphs and images in a single click and stores it all in a dedicated database that is easily accessible.
It allows you to quickly capture important information and images from web pages, journals and articles and to categorise research into personalised colour coded topics with all the referencing information included.

Alinea Suite is the preferred study partner to tens of thousands of students, combining the best of two worlds- online & offline- providing literacy support for users struggling with comprehension.
By making text accessible on any device and at any moment is the cornerstone of Alinea, opening the door to all functionalities within our software. We believe this to be a basic functionality of Assistive Technology, for any student in need of literacy support. Scan or import your document and the optical character recognition (OCR) will process the text so that Alinea can read it aloud wherever and whenever you seek reading support.

Booost is designed for students who think and learn differently. Having enough time is something we can all find difficult. But for students who also struggle with concentration, processing speed, memory, feeling overwhelmed or not knowing how to get started, time can become a big problem.
Booost helps students keep track of everything, prioritise, build good study habits, access a library of study and wellbeing advice and get 24/7 specialist mental health support.

Scholarcy, the online article summarizer tool, reads your research articles, reports and book chapters in seconds and breaks them down into bite-sized sections – so you can quickly assess how important any document is to your work. Students note that the time spent appraising a study is reduced by over 70%.

All Able
All Able are committed to using their expertise to help public sector organisations to deliver accessible and inclusive services that work for everyone. All Able believes that everyone should have equal opportunity to utilise public service, get an education, and engage with their communities to live an enjoyable and independent life. For people to have these opportunities, they believe that public services must change to offer equality and equal access through their services.

Sight and Sound Technology
Sight and Sound Technology is the UK and Ireland’s leading supplier and Master Distributor of hardware and software to the blind, visually impaired and those with learning and reading difficulties. We supply the tools to enable those who are fully or partially blind to live life to the maximum.